Recent questions in Analytical Aptitude

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Statements:1. All heroes are winners.2. All winners are lucky people.Inferences:I. All lucky people are heroes.II. Some lucky people are heroes.III. Some winners are heroes. ... $\text{I}$ and $\text{III}$Only $\text{III}$
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​Which one of the given options is a possible value of $x$ in the following sequence?\[3,7,15, x, 63,127,255\]$35$40$45$31$
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In how many ways can cells in a $3 \times 3 $ grid be shaded, such that each row and each column have exactly one shaded cell? An example of one valid shading is shown. $2$9$3$6$
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Elvesland is a country that has peculiar beliefs and practices. They express almost all their emotions by gifting flowers. For instance, if anyone gifts a white flower to someone, then it ... (i), (ii) and (iii)(i), (iii) and (iv)only (iv)
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Three husband-wife pairs are to be seated at a circular table that has six identical chairs. Seating arrangements are defined only by the relative position of the people. ... $4$120$720$
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A duck named Donald Duck says "All ducks always lie."Based only on the information above, which one of the following statements can be logically inferred with ... the truth. Donald Duck's statement is true.Donald Duck's statement is false.
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Based only on the truth of the statement 'Some humans are intelligent', which one of the following options can be logically inferred with certainty?No ... are intelligent. Some non-humans are intelligent. Some intelligent beings are humans.
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Given below are two statements and four conclusions drawn based on the statements.Statement $1:$ Some soaps are clean.Statement $2:$ All clean objects are wet. ... is correctOnly conclusion $\text{I}$ and conclusion $\text{III}$ are correct
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2 votes
An ant walks in a straight line on a plane leaving behind a trace of its movement. The initial position of the ant is at point $\text{P}$ facing east.The ant first turns $72^{\circ} $ ... is A. B. C. D.
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Given the statements:$\text{P}$ is the sister of $\text{Q}$.$\text{Q}$ is the husband of $\text{R}$.$\text{R}$ ... above information, $\text{T}$ is ____________ of $\text{S}$.the grandfatheran unclethe fathera brother
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3 votes
In the square grid shown on the left, a person standing at $\text{P2}$ position is required to move to $\text{P5}$ position.The only movement allowed for a step involves, two ... $ to $\text{P5}$ is$4$5$6$7$
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The mirror image of the above text about the $x$-axis is
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On a planar field, you travelled $3$ units East from a point $O$. Next you travelled $4$ units South to arrive at point $P$. Then you travelled from $P$ in the ... $ to point $O$, in the same units, should be ______________$3$4$5$6$
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Some football players play cricket.All cricket players play hockey.Among the options given below, the statement that logically follows from the ... players play hockeyAll football players play hockeyAll hockey players play football
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The mirror image of the above test about the $\text{X}$-axis is
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$\text{Statement:}$ Either $\text{P}$ marries $\text{Q}$ or $\text{X}$ marries $\text{Y}$Among the options below, the logical $\text{NEGATION}$ of the above statement is ... Q}$\text{P}$ marries $\text{Q}$ and $\text{X}$ marries $\text{Y}$
2 answers
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If $0,1,2,\dots,7,8,9$ are coded as $O,P,Q,\dots,V,W,X$, then $45$ will be coded as ______.$TS$ST$SS$SU$
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Five friends $P,Q,R,S$ and $T$ went camping. At night, they had to sleep in a row inside the tent. $P,Q$ and $T$ refused to sleep next ... $SPRTQ$QRSPT$QTSPR$
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After the inauguration of the new building, the Head of the Department (HoD) collated faculty preferences for office space. $P$ wanted a room adjacent ... that everyone was satisfied, which among the following shows a possible allocation?
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For the year $2019$, which of the previous year’s calendar can be used?$2011$2012$2013$2014$
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$P, Q, R, S, T$, and $U$ are seated around a circular table $R$ is seated two places to the right of $Q. \: P$ ... $U$ is immediately to the right of $R$ or $P$ is immediately to the left of $T$
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A map shows the elevations of Darjeeling, Gangtok, Kalimpong, Pelling, and Siliguri. Kalimpong is at a lower elevation than Gangtok, Pelling is at a lower ... lower elevation than GangtokOnly iiOnly ii and iiiOnly ii and ivOnly iii and iv
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Four cards lie on table. Each card has a number printed on one side and a colour on the other. The faces visible on the cards are $2,3,$ red, and blue.Proposition: ... the above proposition are$2,$ red$2,3,$ red$2,$ blue$2,$ red,blue
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If $E=10,J=20,O=30,$ and $T=40,$ what will be $P+E+S+T?$51$82$120$164$
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$P, Q, R, S$ and $T$ are related and belong to the same family. $P$ is the brother of $S, Q$ is the wife of $P$. $R$ and $T$ ... $T$S$ is the sister-in-law of $Q$S$ is the brother of $P$
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Mohan, the manager, wants his four workers to work in pairs. No pair should work for more than $5$ hours. Ram and John have worked together for $5$ ... with John, if he wants all the workers to continue working?AmirKrishna RamNone of three
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Fact $1:$ Humans are mammals.Fact $2:$ Some humans are engineers.Fact $3:$ Engineers build houses.If the above statement are facts, which of the following can ... mammals.Some humans are not engineers.II only.III only.I, II and III.I only
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Consider the following statements relating to the level of poker play of four players $P, Q, R$ and $S$.$P$ always beats $Q$R$ always beats $S$S$ loses to $P$ only ... worst player in the set(i) only(ii) only(i) and (ii)neither (i) nor (ii)
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Consider the following sentences:All benches are beds. No bed is a bulb. Some bulbs are lamps.Which of the following can be inferred?Some beds are lamps.Some lamps are beds. Only iOnly iiBoth i and iiNeither i nor ii
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Students applying for hostel rooms are allotted rooms in order of seniority. Students already staying in a room will move if they get a room in their preferred list. Preferences of lower ... & \text{Q,P,R}\\\hline \end{array}$$P$Q$R$S$
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Mr. Vivek walks $6$ meters North-east, then turns and walks $6$ meters South-east, both at $60$ degrees to east. He further moves $2$ meters South and $4$ meters West. ... $2$\sqrt{2}$\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$
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The given question is followed by two statements; select the most appropriate option that solves the question.Capacity of a solution tank A is $70\%$ of ... or II alone is sufficient.Both the statements I and II together are sufficient.
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If ROAD is written as URDG, then SWAN should be written as:VXDQVZDQVZDPUXDQ
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The head of a newly formed government desires to appoint five of the six selected members $P, Q, R, S, T, $and $U$ to portfolios of Home, Power, Defense, Telecom, and ... Home, $U$ - Power, $T$ - Defense, $R$ - Telecom, $P$ - Finance
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$X$ is $1$ km northeast of $Y.$ $Y$ is $1$ km southeast of $Z.$ $W$ is $1$ km west of $Z.$ $P$ is $1$ km south of $W.$ $Q$ is $1$ km east of $P.$ What is the distance between $X$ and $Q$ in km?$1$\sqrt{2}$\sqrt{3}$2$
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In a group of four children, Som is younger to Riaz. Shiv is elder to Ansu. Ansu is youngest in the group. Which of the following statements is/are required ... child.Statement $1$ and $2$ are not sufficient to determine the eldest child.
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Anuj, Bhola, Chandan, Dilip, Eswar and Faisal live on different floors in a six-storeyed building (the ground floor is numbered $1,$ the floor above it $2,$and so on). Anuj lives on an ...
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Find the odd one in the following group: ALRVX, EPVZB, ITZDF, OYEIKALRVX EPVZB ITZDF OYEIK
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Abhishek is elder to Savar.Savar is younger to Anshul.Which of the given conclusions is logically valid and is inferred from the above statements?Abhishek ... is elder to AbhishekAbhishek and Anshul are of the same ageNo conclusion follows
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Given the sentence of terms,$AD$ $CG$ $FK$ $JP,$ the next term is$OV$OW$PV$PW$