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The critical flow condition in a channel is given by ____________.

[Note: $\alpha$ - kinetic energy correction factor; $Q$ - discharge; $A_c$ - cross-sectional area of flow at critical flow condition; $T_c$ - top width of flow at critical flow condition; $g$ - acceleration due to gravity]

  1. $\frac{\alpha Q^2}{g}=\frac{A_c^3}{T_c}$
  2. $\frac{\alpha Q}{g}=\frac{A_c^3}{T_C^2}$
  3. $\frac{\alpha Q^2}{g}=\frac{A_c^3}{T_c^2}$
  4. $\frac{\alpha Q}{g}=\frac{A_c^3}{T_c}$
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