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A waste to energy plant burns dry solid waste of composition: Carbon $= 35\%$, Oxygen $= 26\%$ , Hydrogen $= 10\%$, Sulphur $= 6\%$, Nitrogen $= 3\%$ and Inerts $= 20\%.$ Burning rate is $1000\: $ tonnes/d. Oxygen in air by weight is $23\%$. Assume complete conversion of Carbon to $CO_2$ , Hydrogen to $H_2O$, Sulphur to $SO_2$ and Nitrogen to $NO_2$.

Given Atomic weights: $H = 1,\:  C=12,\: N = 14,\: O = 16,\: S = 32$

The stoichiometric (theoretical) amount of air ( in tonnes/d, round off to the nearest integer) required for complete burning of this waste is ________.
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