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Given the statements:

  • $\text{P}$ is the sister of $\text{Q}$.
  • $\text{Q}$ is the husband of $\text{R}$.
  • $\text{R}$ is the mother of $\text{S}$.
  • $\text{T}$ is the husband of $\text{P}$.

Based on the above information, $\text{T}$ is ____________ of $\text{S}$.

  1. the grandfather
  2. an uncle
  3. the father
  4. a brother
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1 Answer

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Given the statements:

  • $\text{P}$ is the sister of $\text{Q.}$
  • $\text{Q}$ is the husband of $\text{R.}$
  • $\text{R}$ is the mother of $\text{S.}$
  • $\text{T}$ is the husband of $\text{P.}$

Based on the above statements, we can draw the diagram.

$\therefore \;\text{T}$ is ${\color{Blue}{\text{an uncle}}}$ of $\text{S}.$

Correct Answer $:\text{B}$

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