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Group I gives a list of test methods and test apparatus for evaluating some of the properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and concrete. Group II gives the list of these properties.

$\begin{array}{llll} {} & \underline{Group \: I} & {} & \underline{Group \: II} \\ P. & \text{Le Chatelier test} & 1. & \text{Soundness of OPC} \\ Q. & \text{Vee-Bee test} & 2. & \text{Consistency and setting time of OPC}  \\ R. & \text{Blain air permeability test} & 3. & \text{Consistency or workability of concrete} \\ S. & \text{The Vicant apparatus} & 4. & \text{Fitness of OPC} \end{array}$

The correct match of these items in Group I with the items in Group II is

  1. $P – 1; Q – 3; R – 4; S – 2$
  2. $P – 2; Q – 3; R – 1; S – 4$
  3. $P – 4; Q – 2; R – 4; S – 1$
  4. $P – 1; Q – 4; R – 2; S – 3$
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